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+9 votes
Since Wwise 2022 the Attenuation Editor resets when selecting/playing back a new sound object / container in Actor-Mixer Hierarchy or in Soundcaster.

Why is this a problem?

A common practice has always been to open an Attenuation Shareset in Authoring, and playback different sound objects one after the other at the same distance (e.g. 50m) to compare 1:1 how they behave at the same distance. This isn't possible any more, since the Attenuation Editor resets to 0m each time you select/playback a new sound object/container (which in all honesty is quite annoying). So, fast comparison on how different sounds behave at say 50m, is now very complicated, while it had been very easy before. It was a very useful workflow.

If there's any way to set this behavior up in Authoring, please let me know. Otherwise, it would be highly appreciated to get this workflow back in Wwise 2022 and future versions.
in General Discussion by Christian S. (600 points)
edited by Christian S.

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