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Dear Audiokinetic Community,

I'm facing an issue with building plugins for Wwise. I have been working for a start-up making Wwise plugins for over a year now as an audio programming intern/junior, and we had them fully working with Unreal Engine 4.26, Wwise 2021.1.6.7774, and Xcode 13. However, my computer was having a load of unexpected issues with integrating plugins with the Wwise API in a game to test before we launch the product, so we decided to update to UE5.3 as this is the new standard, doing so required me to upgrade to Xcode 15, and Wwise 2023.1.2.

With my updated setup, I have been able to successfully build on windows, and I can premake on my mac machine no problem, but when I try to run the build command which worked fine previously (wwise 2021), I get the following error:

python "/Applications/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2023.1.2.8444/Scripts/Build/Plugins/" build Mac -c Release -x arm64

Building Gunshot for Mac in Release...

Loading toolchain vers file from  /Applications/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2023.1.2.8444/Scripts/ToolchainSetup/Mac/ToolchainVers.txt

Fetching toolchain environment from  /Applications/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2023.1.2.8444/Scripts/ToolchainSetup/Mac/

Applying toolchain envvar for build command: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/

Build Command: ['xcodebuild', '-workspace', 'Gunshot_Mac.xcworkspace', '-scheme', 'Gunshot', '-configuration', 'Release', '-quiet', 'ARCHS=arm64', 'VALID_ARCHS=arm64']

xcrun: error: missing DEVELOPER_DIR path: /Applications/

I have never installed a copy of Xcode 14 on my machine, but it looks like is set to look for a path that includes I've tried multiple solutions on stack overflow and posted on the Apple developer forums to no avail. I've also tried changing the dir path, but I'm not sure if the Developer_DIR part is hard coded somewhere that I'm unaware of, as even if I change my dev_dir path using commands such as sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ it doesn't make a difference. 

Any advice would be very appreciated, as I really want to launch these products and have something to show in my portfolio when applying for jobs. 

All the best,


in General Discussion by Kyle W. (100 points)

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