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Wwise iOS setup as a 'media' app??

0 votes
Hi,  I'm making an iOS app with Wwise that is to behave much like a media player i.e. Spotify or iTunes.  One common behavior for music/media apps is to continue playing audio/music while the app is in background mode, and/or when the phone screen is asleep.  We found a small set of iOS modes that Wwise can be setup with, including 'ambient' and 'solo ambient' but not 'media' mode which may be what's needed.  (the 'ambient' modes require the microphone to be integrated with the app, including UI text, so that won't work for us)

Any thoughts on how to best setup a Wwise iOS app to behave like a typical music player while in the app is in the background or the phone is asleep?   Does Apple's 'media' mode need to be exposed in the Wwise SDK?  


asked Apr 27, 2015 in General Discussion by Guy W. (100 points)

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