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I am trying to configure Wwise to work with MaxMSP. I managed to send MIDI from MaxMSP to Wwise without any major complications, but I do not want this. I want to send a MIDI note (for example C2, MIDI value 36) from Wwise to MaxMSP. I have prepared this MIDI note in Reaper and exported it as a MIDI file, in Wwise I have imported this MIDI file.

I am using LoopMIDI to connect Wwise and MaxMSP the following way:

Control Surface Devices > Device Name: WwisetoMaxMSP > Device Type: MIDI > Receive From: None > Send To: WwisetoMaxMSP (LoopMIDI port name)

Done this, I understand that now theoretically Wwise could send MIDI information to MaxMSP. I however, do not find the way.

I have tried to configure a Control Surface Session, but I do not see how I can map an Event that, for example, triggers a Music Segment that plays this MIDI note and configure this as an output MIDI port to send to Max, I have also tried using Master-Mixer Hierarchy and no luck.

My goal is to use this MIDI note as a trigger in MaxMSP to send a Bang. I am currently using Wwise's latest version. 

Please HELP!

in General Discussion by Sebas_Izq (100 points)

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