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+1 vote

I’m currently on the “Sound Segmentation” step in Wwise 101 - Lesson 02.
In the original instructions, it says to create a Gem Drop Sequence Container and open the Contents Editor, where the Playlist is supposed to appear. However, in the version of Wwise I’m using (2024.1.1), the Playlist does not show up. I need to drag the sounds into it, but it’s not visible.

So, I opened the Random-Sequence Editor, which seems to have similar functionality, and I dragged the sounds there to play them (using it as a Playlist). Then, I created a Silence and dragged it into the new Playlist. However, I couldn’t change the order of the items I added to the Playlist.

  1. How can I access the original Playlist?
  2. How can I change the order of the sounds added to the Playlist?

Thank you!

I would appreciate it if you could refer to the image in the link

in General Discussion by 가온 임 (110 points)

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