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I would like to know if there's any way to determine any further context when a sound bank fails to load with the AK_Fail error code.

We have a PC DirectX build of our game, as well as a PC SDL/OpenGL build, with the latter being on a different branch and for various reasons having diverged several months ago but they are developed as two distinct projects sharing a common base. The Wwise project for both has also developed a fair amount in that time on the DirectX branch, so I'm looking at updating the SDL build's branch to bring it up to date with the other build.

As the audio code hasn't really changed between the 2 branches, as a first step I have simply deployed the banks from the DirectX branch version of the Wwise project, and dropped them into our SDL build. Both builds are linking against the same Win32 Wwise libs (v2013.2.9 build 4872).

As our game starts up, we load a pre-built list of the sound bank files (created during our build step) and spin over that list, loading the banks in turn ("Init.bnk" is loaded somewhat earlier than this though, in order to be ready before anything else). This load & setup code is identical between both PC builds.

However, we're seeing 2 issues when loading the banks on the SDL build. Firstly, 5 of the 41 banks are throwing this error:

    AK Error: Master bus structure not loaded: make sure that the first bank to be loaded contains the master bus information

Secondly, our global music bank (which is the only one to include interactive music) simply throws an unspecified failure:

    AK Error: Bank Load Failed

I'm fairly new myself to Wwise, and I've not been having too much luck finding information on either case. I'm certain it's not a lack of memory causing the issue, but I'm struggling a little to figure out where to look as there's no really obvious output from Wwise as to what it doesn't like.

If anyone has any hints as to what sort of circumstances can cause these failures, or a way to get more information out when they occur, I would really appreciate it!
in General Discussion by Matt Hayward (130 points)

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