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Can we import work-units from other projects?

0 votes
We have elements from another project that we want to re-use in our current project.  How can we import the work units?
asked May 9, 2013 in General Discussion by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,450 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


To import a work-unit inside a project:
  • Close all Wwise projects
  • Copy the wwu files from one project to another, in the correct sub-directory.
  • Re-open the project for which you imported the wwu file(s)
  • Review the load messages in the load log. 
  • Save the project if the load log is correct

Reviewing the load log is especially important to ensure that everything was expected during the import process.

Wwise will handle most of the missing elements or conflicts, such as ShortID or name clashes gracefully, but it may have to rename or change the ID of existing objects in your project, forcing you to regenerate all associated SoundBanks.

Always make backups or use source control before importing foreign work units, and again, make sure to pay attention to what the project load log tells you!

answered May 9, 2013 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,450 points)
selected Aug 28, 2014 by Claude B. (Audiokinetic)