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Plug-In and Codec Plug-In not registered?

0 votes

We recently noticed that our game was repeatedly tossing these two errors in specific all over the place:

AK Error: Codec plug-in not registered: 262145

AK Error: Plug-in not registered: 6619138

I'm trying to figure out what the error is referring to (ie: What is a Codec Plugin or a regular plugin - surely this doesn't mean a simple compressor...? Our project is using Wwise Compressor and Wwise Reverb, but none of the 3rd party plugins such as McDSP, etc.), how to register it (if I need to), and what the ID number is referring to. I combed through as many of the .xml, .h, and .wwu files as I could manage, looking for the ID. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. A lot of the other solutions I found were related to how to fix it in Unity, but we're not using that. :)

asked Jun 23, 2015 in General Discussion by Chris P. (350 points)
You need to have those plug-ins registered within the run-time code. Have your coder search for these functions


Also, look at AllPluginsRegistrationHelpers.h


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