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Why is Wwise not opening on my Mac? [closed]

0 votes
I keep trying to open Wwise on my Mac but it doesn't open fully. It goes far enough to ask me what project I want to work on but anything after that doesn't open, and instead just appears as a blank white screen with the title of the project if I use my "Show all Windows" key/hot corner. Anyone know why or how to fix this issue?
closed with the note: Solved.
asked Jul 17, 2015 in General Discussion by Julius K. (100 points)
closed May 28, 2017 by Julius K.
I am using a MacBook Pro (2011) with one monitor that is running on Yosemite 10.10.4. I am running the newest version of Wwise, so the 2015.1 version.
I am using a MacBook Pro (2011) with one monitor that is running on Yosemite 10.10.4. I am running the newest version of Wwise, so 2015.1.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Julius, which version of Wwise Mac are you running (2014.1.5 or 2015.1 ?) ?

Also, can you provide us more with info on your system:

- Which version of Mac OSX are you running ?

- What kind of Mac computer are you using ?

- Are you using one or more monitors ?
answered Jul 17, 2015 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 points)
I am having the same problem. I usually have no problems, but when I opened the program the blend container edit window was the only thing that showed up. I usually work from home on my laptop where I use an additional monitor, but i am at school not will only my laptop. When I'm working at home I usually use the monitor for the main window and I'm thinking that's the problem. Is there a way I can view window display options?
Ok I got home and opened it up on my computer with the second monitor and it can up.