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No audio files in Limbo Redux

0 votes
I've checked the documentation for the Limbo Audio Redux competition, and unlike my version of the project file there are some audio files shown in the documentation both converted and not converted.. All of the audio files in my project when I open the Limbo redux are coloured red, and the soundbanks are empty. Is this to be expected?

Thank you,

asked Dec 9, 2013 in General Discussion by Laurie Bush (110 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes, this is expected.  The Original files for LIMBO are not redistributed with the project.

For the contest, you must recreate the entire sound design for LIMBO.  You are not allowed to use existing sounds.  

You can however re-use the existing actor-mixer stuctures, but this is not something I would personally recommend.  It is probably easier to start from scratch, by using only the events and game parameters from the project.
answered Dec 9, 2013 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
Great stuff, thanks very much for the reply!