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Can we submit 60 seconds of edits for the Limbo Redux?

0 votes
The Limbo Redux says you need 60 seconds of gameplay to show in a video.

Does this include edits, and text overlays to focus on the highlights of the redux?

60 seconds of gameplay does not show very much action, so I wanted to know.
asked Jan 29, 2014 in General Discussion by Ryan R. (100 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The video must last 60 seconds, and can include several cuts made from different sections of the game if you wish.  You can add text overlays.
answered Jan 30, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
Is 60secs absolutely mandatory or do we have a a bit of overrun to play with?
0 votes
You can have edits, but we highly recommend not having too many.  If each edited section is only a few seconds long, it would be very hard to get an impression of each part.  I'd recommend no more that 4-5 sections of 10-15 seconds each.
answered Jan 30, 2014 by Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3,860 points)