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UE4 ver 4.11 - Music continues to play after Play in Editor is stopped

0 votes
I am launching the UE4 Editor, version 4.11, and a random AK Event is played on player spawn.

When the viewport is closed and Play in Editor has stopped, this AK Event continues to play.

Has anyone else come across this?
asked Apr 28, 2016 in General Discussion by Kartik S. (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Previously AK was implemented in the Unreal Engine. When a world was being torn down, the Audio was being stopped. AK made an engine change and added a call to the AKDevice to FLUSH, this resulted in the audio being stopped on world tear down.

Now that AK is a plugin for Unreal we have  added a listener in the new AKDevice plugins file to listen for when the world is being cleaned up. When this is broadcasted, we call flush on AKDevice and the music is then stopped.

Perhaps this will help someone else.
answered Apr 29, 2016 by Kartik S. (200 points)