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Mute after Ads with sound

0 votes

Hello guys.

I have a problem. Wwise integrated in my project (iOS and Android).
Before show a rewarded ads (video with sound) I sent mute_on event to Wwise. After close the ads I send mute_off event. But wwise is mute anyway.

I've checked mute_on, mute_off events with toggle button (sound on/off) - is working fine.

Problem only after Unity Ads (real ads on device, after test ads - ok). After Chartboost real ads (not test) - the same.

// Unity 5.3.5f1, wwise 2015.1.7

Set Debug profile.
and after that: 

AK Error: Hardware audio subsystem stopped responding.  Silent mode is enabled.
AK Error: Hardware audio subsystem stopped responding.  Silent mode is enabled.

Could you have any idea?

asked May 26, 2016 in General Discussion by Vladimir S. (160 points)
edited May 27, 2016 by Vladimir S.

1 Answer

0 votes

Current solution: use previous version of wwise - 2015.1.4.

Works for me.

answered May 31, 2016 by Vladimir S. (160 points)