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"Alt" key shortcuts in Wwise (Mac Os X)

0 votes

I can't use the keyboard shortcuts with "Alt" key, like the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R for "Create Random Container". Neither the Alt+1 or Alt+2 for "Switch to Tab1" or "Switch to Tab2". For some reason my Wwise version in Mac Os X is not detecting the Alt key. If I use other commands without "Alt" key it works. It seems that Wwise Mac Version is detecting the Alt/Option key of macbook keyboard as a "Alt-Gr" key in Windows.

Hope you understand my issue and you can help me.

asked Jul 5, 2016 in General Discussion by Gabi C. (160 points)
edited Jul 6, 2016 by Gabi C.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hello Gabriel,

We are aware of this issue in the Mac Authoring and actually the workaround is to use the command ⌘ key instead of the Alt key for these shortcuts.

For instance, the " Create Random Container " shortcut is therefore control + shift + command ⌘ + R

Hope this helps !

answered Jul 6, 2016 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 points)
selected Jul 7, 2016 by Gabi C.