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Installation instructions for MAC UE4 plugin integration?

0 votes
I am looking for any help I can find on installing the plugin for UE4 4.11.2

I have the SDK downloaded and installed, but I cant find any other documentation specific to getting this working.
asked Jul 23, 2016 in General Discussion by Tom T. (340 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

The complete installation procedure can be found here:

There aren't big differences between Windows and Mac installation. Make sure to follow the steps (and don't forget to copy the SDK from your Wwise installation to the plugin's ThirdParty directory!).

Let me know if this helps.
answered Jul 26, 2016 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)
selected Jul 26, 2016 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic)
Yes, this helps a lot. Thanks!