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How to register Oculus Spatializer using Wwise plugin for UE4?

0 votes
Hi I'm using the Wwise plugin for UE4. 4.12  I have the oculus spatializer in Wwise 2016.1.5775, but it tells me that is no registered. And because of that (I guess is the reason why) there is no 3d audio in my UE4 project. (just normal panning).  I tried copying the code from the oculusspatializer.h to de akaudiodevide.ccp that is in the UE4 plugin. I didn't work. Unless I'm copying it in the wrong place.
asked Aug 4, 2016 in General Discussion by Julian Quiroga (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi, I have the same issue. Did you manage to get it working?
answered Nov 25, 2016 by Matas J. (140 points)