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0 votes
I set up an intensity parameter within Wwise to create vertical layering on my music tracks. When I move the intensity bar within Wwise itself, the music interacts accordingly to the RTPC values. However, when I integrate with Unity, the music will not respond to the RTPC values generated, they are simply left at their default value of 50. Unity is successfully generating the RTPC values listed for intensity- I know this because the values can successfully print. I've followed the proper coding procedure for creating RTPC values as far as I can tell. The music switch container is started when the scene is started in unity, and the SetRTPC Object is associated with the main camera. Can anyone please tell me how I can get my Wwise project to respond to the RTPC values created in Unity?

in General Discussion by Peter J. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Have you tried running the profiler to check if it is actually setting the values?
by Deepak Chennakkadan (1.8k points)