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Questions about File, Project, Bank handling

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I am currently following this tutorial step by step:

I am just a little bit confused about a few things that he does in it.

1. Where does he have his project folder? Is it outside of the Unreal Project "Content" folder?

2. Is this the right way to do it? It just seems you have to do everything twice. Once in wwise and then again in UE.

3. Why does he re-name the soundbanks and generate them from inside UE? In the "Wwise 101" tutorial the banks were generated from inside wwise and everything seemed to be recognized properly by UE

4. Also why does he make the bus_loop sound an Akambiant sound inside a blueprint? Couldn't you just put an event in the level that auto-activates at level start and plays the sound associated with the wwise event?

When comparing this to the wwise 101 tutorial, something doesn´t seem right. Though when I tried having my wwise project folder inside the UE project "Content" folder, I couldn't get it to work right, and UE made an EXTRA folder when I tried to import an event with the wwise picker.

Hoping you can answer my question. Still learning wwise, but i´m starting to like it.
asked Oct 22, 2016 in General Discussion by Max C. (160 points)

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