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Be able to detect the bass drum of a midi file?

0 投票
So what I am needing is, given a midi file, get the bass drum component of it, then in Unity be able to detect the note locations of the bass drum component to let players of a game know when the beat of the music hits. However, I am not finding anything online on how you do this with wwise, if it is possible. I want to be able to import an already existing Midi file into wwise, then be able to get the instrumental components of it.

Anyone have any advice on how to do this?
最新提问 10月 24, 2016 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Tyler D. (100 分)


+1 投票
There are two ways of going on about this.

1) Write your own plugin that does beat detection and figures out where each trigger is.
2) Read in the MIDI data and assign the bass drum to a specific MIDI note. Every time it hits that notes, trigger an event.
最新回答 10月 25, 2016 用户: Deepak Chennakkadan (1,830 分)