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Migrating from one UE4 version to another.

0 votes

We recently integrated Wwise into our project. We were using UE 4.13 but now we are trying to update to 4.14 and running into some issues and we are thinking it might be a conflict with the fact that our integration is for 4.13.  This is the first time we have updated our UE version while using the Wwise plugin and I'm not sure what the correct procedure for migrating is, The FAQ only mentions steps for migrating from the old (non plugin) version of the integration.

I'm aware that the 4.14 integration isn't out yet. Is each integration completely uncompatible with other engine versions? If so any idea when the 4.14 integration might be coming out?

Thank you for your attention.
asked Nov 17, 2016 in General Discussion by Gonzalo R. (160 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
They usually have a new version 2-3 weeks after UE4 has been released
answered Nov 21, 2016 by Robert M. (4,640 points)
+1 vote
I think the integration is completely incompatible, or at least blocked for now with UE 4.14.
answered Nov 21, 2016 by Florent C. (230 points)
Yeah, I tried making a new project in 4.14 and using the 4.13 integration and it worked fine. It seems that the issues we are having might be unrelated to Wwise.
+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Gonzalo,

A new Wwise Unreal Integration is now available (2016.2.0.5972.301) and it contains support for Unreal 4.14.

Thanks !
answered Nov 30, 2016 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 points)
selected Nov 30, 2016 by Gonzalo R.