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When will Wwise be operational for last version of Unreal 4 (4.14)

+1 vote
We are students creating a VR video game and we would like to use the last version of Unreal because of its update for VR. But for now Wwise plugin is no operational. Will it arrive soon?

Thank You A Lot
asked Nov 21, 2016 in General Discussion by Damien P. (120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
As far as I know the Wwise - Unreal integration is usually a minor version later than the latest release version of Unreal Engine, so you can just wait or modify the 2016.2.0 - 4.13 intergration by yourself to catch the train:)
answered Nov 21, 2016 by Hang Z. (140 points)
How do you modify the integration?
0 votes
They usually have a new version 2-3 weeks after UE4 has been released
answered Nov 21, 2016 by Robert M. (4,640 points)
0 votes
Hi Damien,

A new Wwise Unreal Integration is now available (2016.2.0.5972.301) and it contains support for Unreal 4.14.

Thanks !
answered Nov 30, 2016 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 points)