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2016.2 Unity integration upgrade fails miserably

+1 vote

I am attempting to perform Unity integration on my project. The process fails with the following error:

The project is not writable; found read-only flag on ".svn\pristine\81\810415721139812253624b632a656bb261dabda4.svn-base". Please close any program using it and verify that no file is read-only.

Why the integration needs to look into SVN folders is a mystery. Well, the only way to proceed is by removing read-only flag.

I restart the process and it fails again with the following message:

An error occurred. We are sorry about the inconveniences.
If you were in the middle of an installation, please restart the Wwise Launcher and try again.
Details:{ [Error: spawn UNKNOWN] code: 'UNKNOWN', errno: 'UNKNOWN', syscall: 'spawn' }Error: spawn UNKNOWN
    at exports._errnoException (util.js:890:11)
    at ChildProcess.spawn (internal/child_process.js:302:11)
    at Object.exports.spawn (child_process.js:379:9)
    at runSetup (app\main\integrations\unity-install-core.js:190:38)
    at app\main\integrations\unity-install-core.js:454:9
    at app\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:718:13
    at iterate (app\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:262:13)
    at app\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:274:29
    at app\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:44:16
    at app\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:723:17

Needless to say, restart doesn't help. Well, it seems that I need to stay with the previous release until those problems are ironed out. Or is there any other way of successfully upgrading my installation?

asked Nov 22, 2016 in General Discussion by Maciej M. (510 points)
I have the same issue. My project is on git and the other versions are using an older integration. I want to install the same (older integration) but with Wwise 2016.2 and the new launcher out, I cannot find anyway to download and directly install the older integration version. Also, my "run as administrator" box was already unchecked, so that won't fix it :(.

2 Answers

–2 votes
Did you make a backup before integration? Your first attempt may have corrupted the project.
answered Nov 23, 2016 by Florent C. (230 points)
No, that wasn't the reason. I didn't make a backup because this is project under version control and I got the error first time I run upgrade.

Today I made a separate copy of the project restored from the repository. I removed SVN hidden folders. I started the upgrade process and got the same error message.

Now I'm completely stuck because for some reason my project in the repository is too new for the previous available build because it was written by patch release v2016.1.1 which isn't available for download.

I can't revert to previous version and I can't upgrade. Please help.
0 votes
Best answer

First, make sure Wwise Launcher is up to date.

Then, it is possible that you Unity.exe has the "Run this program as an administrator", which prevent the Wwise Launcher from launching it. (Security feature of Windows) 

  • Locate Unity executable, normally under "C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe". 
  • Right-click, and select Properties
  • In Compatibility tab, uncheck Run this program as an administrator
  • Click OK.

Try to re-install Unity Integration in Wwise Launcher

answered Nov 25, 2016 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
edited Nov 28, 2016 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)
It's bit better but still no luck. I get:

Unity.exe cannot be opened. Please verify it is not corrupted, incorrectly installed, or incompatible with your OS.

Despite the fact the path is okay and Launcher is correctly displayed Unity 5.4.1f on all buttons. When I try to open the Unity project via the button Open in Unity 5.4.1f I get the same error message about Unity.exe.

This is legit, properly installed Unity with Pro license. It works just fine.

The OS is Windows 10 Ultimate.
I've just upgraded to Unity 5.4.3f1 and Launcher sees the new version correctly yet is unable to launch Unity.exe.
is it possible that you Unity.exe has the "Run this program as an administrator"?  Locate Unity executable, normally under "C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe". Right-click, and select Properties. In Compatibility tab, uncheck "Run this program as an administrator". Click OK.
That was it! I managed to successfully run the integration upgrade.

It was a bit too aggressive and messed up many of my plugins (especially those which relied on DLLs) but I re-download or restored from the repository and everything seems to work fine now.

Just to chime in -- same exact thing here.  The update (run via the launcher) completes with "Operation Completed Successfully" -- but then we've got tons of errors in the project.  

Looking at 'git status' shows that the Wwise upgrade process has touched/changed a ton of our files (and not just the .metas, but the actually files).  Like you mentioned, specifically seems to have altered most of the DLLs in our project, most of which are from third party libraries (and are unrelated to Wwise or even to the game's sound in general).  It's also edited most of the scenes, though interestingly seems to have skipped over the 1 'main' scene file that we actually use for the majority of the game.

After restoring all non-Wwise related files to their original state (via manually checking each of them out using source control) we were able to get back to a working Unity project with what appears to be an upgraded Wwise installation.

I'd definitely think that the Wwise upgrader/installer has a serious bug if this is the only way to get going, though.  I'd really prefer that it's not touching any of our files, or at least provide instructions to allow us to optionally make the changes manually for any of our non-Wwise library files (ie stuff not in a Wwise/ folder).
At the very least the installer should be logging all the file changes and pointing you to that log file so you know what it messed with.