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Wwise Unity Integration error CS0117 with Unity 5.5, package v2016.1.3

+2 votes

First time user of Wwise with Unity. I'm working remotely with a developer and am trying to help implement the audio from Wwise into Unity. He is presently using the new Beta of Unity to build the game, 5.5.0b3 (I've also been trying this on 5.50f2). Every time I import the WwiseUnityIntegration_v2016.1.3_iOS package into Unity, I get the error:

Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs(106,30): error CS0117: `UnityEditor.BuildTarget' does not contain a definition for `StandaloneGLESEmu'

This prevents the Wwise dialogue box from coming up. I've made sure that the build settings match the package, yet still no Wwise dialogue box. Being that I'm new to implementing these two together, and am terrible at anything related to code, I am at a complete loss as to what to do at this point. Any help or advice is very much appreciated.


asked Nov 26, 2016 in General Discussion by Obadiah B. (180 points)
I also got the same error (CS0117) with my project. Did you get yourself a solution to the problem?


Game integration: Pushing progress: A script compilation error occurred during the execution in Unity. Please click Open Log to review the Unity log.

Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkPluginActivator.cs(516,8): error CS0117: `Menu' does not contain a definition for `SetChecked'

Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkPluginActivator.cs(517,8): error CS0117: `Menu' does not contain a definition for `SetChecked'

Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkPluginActivator.cs(518,8): error CS0117: `Menu' does not contain a definition for `SetChecked'

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