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How to get beats per minute of music played with wwise?

0 votes
I music playing when player starts the level, but I need the beats per minute of the song. The songs can be different for the same level, so was wondering if Wwise has a function to get the bpm. Otherwise I feel I am just going to have to know the bpm of each song and hard code it?
asked Nov 30, 2016 in General Discussion by Tyler D. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hey Tyler, 

Yes there is a way to get the tempo in the game engine. If you are using Unity, you can get it in your callback function like this: 

void CallbackFunction(object in_cookie, AkCallbackType in_type, object in_info)

     AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo info = (AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo)in_info;

And here is there's more on Music Callbacks.

answered Dec 13, 2019 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (38,720 points)