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Batch Creation of Events?

0 votes

So I have load of VO files which I just want to call without any branching Dialogue system in place. Just straight up calling of the wavs essentially.

The Event names will be the same as the wav names - to keep in line with the stringtable - now..Is there a handy way of importing the event names?


asked Dec 20, 2016 in General Discussion by Matt B. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Have you looked at Importing Voice Assets from a Text File? If you've been keeping a good spreadsheet, you can use it to name events in Wwise. If that won't work, you could try using Batch Rename. (highlight multiple events, right-click, select Batch Rename...). 

answered Dec 20, 2016 by Ian S. (2,060 points)
Ah! I'd seen the option to import via a text file but wasn't sure it extended to Event name, I'll give that a go.
The batch rename is a very handy function, but perhaps not as useful in this case. Thanks for the help. :)