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Wwise / unity Wwise integration version difference

0 votes
I'm using Unity 5.5, and I know Wwise Unity Integration 2016.2.1 has been tested on Unity 5.5

If I use Wwise 2016.1.1 and Wwise Unity Integration 2016.2.1, are there any problems with this version difference?

Should I upgrade Wwise version?
asked Jan 4, 2017 in General Discussion by Jiyoung P. (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There are some pretty distinct differences between 2016.2 and previous versions. I haven't tested it the way you suggest, but I know the opposite (2016.2 wwise with older integration) does not function at all. I suspect you will have to upgrade your version of Wwise.
answered Jan 18, 2017 by Beatrix Moersch (3,280 points)