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Is there a way to dynamically position 2D sounds?

0 votes
How can I keep my sound multichannel (stereo), without distance attenuation, and be able to move it in space in real time?
asked May 6, 2013 in General Discussion by Moderator (Audiokinetic) (490 points)
edited May 8, 2013 by Moderator (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The easiest way is to use the 2D panner with an RTPC:

- Set the Positioning of the sound to 2D
- Enable the panner
- Under the RTPC tab, add the Positioning 2D/Pan Left-Right property
- Setup a straight curve from bottom-left to top-right
- In the game, set the associated game parameter
answered May 6, 2013 by Moderator (Audiokinetic) (490 points)
selected Aug 28, 2014 by Claude B. (Audiokinetic)