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Ramp+Delay when setting AK::SoundEngine::SetObjectObstructionAndOcclusion?

0 votes
Using wwise 2016.1.2.5863, we noticed that parameters set via AK::SoundEngine::SetObjectObstructionAndOcclusion incur a parameter ramp from previous to target values with the newly set value not taking effect until approximately 50ms from the frame on which the call was made.

Is there any way to ensure the parameters are put into effect immediately?  Ultimately, we leverage emitterlistener values computed by Wwise via AkEmitterListenerPair in a voice callback to determine low pass filtering and want the calculated value to be used as soon as possible as the voice plays.  Thanks for any help!
asked Jan 20, 2017 in General Discussion by Sserpenthraxus_nv (130 points)

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