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We use Perforce with Wwise here at Insomniac, but recently we've had a couple of issues where a sound designer is making edits locally, and in the meantime another sound designer makes edits to the same work unit and submits them to Perforce. When the first sound designer is finally satisfied, they check out their now-outdated work unit and have to resolve against the most recent version to submit to perforce, sometimes letting Perforce auto-resolve and corrupting the Work Unit, rendering the entire WPROJ unopenable by the rest of the team.

While the P4V client can be configured to prevent users from checking out outdated files, there doesn't seem to be any way to do this for all checkouts or for all files in a specific folder at the server level. So, I think the best solution would be if Wwise itself prevented designers from checking out outdated files, or helped them to sync up before checking out so they don't potentially lose a lot of work,

And yes, it's true that their workflow should also change to check things out before editing them, but both times we ran into this were (of course) right near deadlines where people are paying the least attention to process and discipline.

In summary, I would like it if the Perforce integration in Wwise did one or all of the below:

1) Flat-out refuse to check out outdated work units--force designers to adopt a checkout-then-edit workflow.

2) Require sound designers to check out a work unit as soon as they start making changes to its contents

3) Offer an option at the project level to do (1) and/or (2)

4) Automatically sync an outdated work unit and smartly apply the designer's local changes, ideally walking them through conflicting properties and getting them to manually merge them, but aborting when there are conflicts is likely fine.

We have mysteriously lost work at a distance to this behavior, and it will likely only increase as our games get bigger.

I appreciate the help,

in Feature Requests by Vitor M. (180 points)

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