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Scratch Audio playback in UE4 using Wwise device [closed]

0 votes


I am new in Wwise, and i need to do this fonctionality :

1/ I created a class scratchAudio

2/ I imported a wav file, converted it to wem file, and stocked the wem file into a buffer (bufferSize and BufferData with memory allocation).

3/ And now, I need to play the sound from the WEM data inside the uasset object 

when I use AkExternalSourceInfo and specify the wem file the sound works but :

I need to play the sound from the embedded WEM file as part of the Scratch Audio object *.uasset

when I use AkExternalSourceInfo and specify the in_pInMemory, nothing happen.

Could you please guide me to deal with this.

Thank you very much

closed with the note: resolved
asked Feb 14, 2017 in General Discussion by Taleb S. (100 points)
closed Mar 21, 2017 by Taleb S.