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There is no sound when i select an object or a music segment unless original is highlighted.

0 votes
No matter the project I am working on. When I hit play, there is no sound. nothing. i can see the marker moves when its music segments, but it does not sound. only when i click on original in the transport bar. why is this happening?
asked Feb 16, 2017 in General Discussion by Guillermo L. (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
"Original" in the transport plays back the original sources wavs. "PF Only" will play the converted audio for the current platform.  So if it's not playing anything, it's probably because you have not converted these audio files yet. The current platform can be found in the upper left corner, under the Project menu.
answered Mar 2, 2017 by Monty M. (2,650 points)