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Plugin viability for looping section of sound [closed]

0 votes
I am investigating if it would be possible to create a plugin that could achieve a particular effect we would like to achieve. It is a pretty basic task, but I'm struggling to see how it would be possible to get it done nicely within the plug-in system of Wwise.

Basically all we need is to be looping over a section of a sound controlled by RTPCs, if the sound was 5 seconds long we might want to be looping over the section between 0.5 seconds and 1.5 seconds at one point in the game, but at another point it might need to be looping over the section between 3.1 seconds and 4.4 seconds. The number of sections needed per sound would be too numerous to simply split them up into separate sounds so I was hoping to just create a simple plugin to control the playback of the sound manually.

How would I go about doing this with a Wwise plugin? I looked into making it an effect plugin but I can't seem to get access to the systems to control the playback of the sound or the complete raw data of it as an effect plugin on one. I also looked into making it as an audio source plugin that referenced a sound, but I'm not sure how I would do that, I'm not sure how to reference a Wwise sound from a plugin.

closed with the note: Doesn't seem like there's much that can be done, I'll just do it manually.
asked Feb 28, 2017 in General Discussion by Andrew P. (100 points)
closed Mar 7, 2017 by Andrew P.