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0 votes


I accidentally created an unwanted soundbank file, now i want to delete it. But when i right-click on the selection, it does not show any Delete Selection. 

My delete button on the key board does not work as well. Please anyone able to help on this matter? Thank You


in General Discussion by Bing Xiang L. (100 points)
recategorized by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic)

4 Answers

0 votes
That seems strange to me. I can delete soundbanks no problem, in both Mac and Wwise. Have you tried reloading the project and/or rebooting?
by Beatrix Moersch (3.3k points)
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For your information, you cannot delete a soundbank from the soundbank manager. You can only delete your bank from the project explorer.
by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
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Maybe too obvious of an answer, but if an event or something is still active or playing in the Transport Control, it won't let you make a lot of edits - including deleting any files I believe.  So make sure you stop the Transport Control and click Reset All as well.
by Blake (420 points)
0 votes
If you click the tab soundbanks on the left side next to Audio/Events/Soundbanks then you will be able to delete the soundbank
by Jakub K. (140 points)