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Play long sound again if it's not being played

0 votes
Hi all!

I have a random container with a couple of long rumble sounds (7sec aprox) that sometimes (probability = 60%) are played after distant explosions. During the gameplay it's very possible to have those explosions played within 1 or 2 seconds only. So, if the long rumble sound was played together with the first explosion I would like to avoid this rumble to be played again if it didn't finish.

The instruction would be: If the rumble sound is playing then do not play it again, until it finishes.

Any ideas?

asked Apr 26, 2017 in General Discussion by Guido M. (270 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I might have a solution but not 100% sure if it's what you're after. If you go to the random container that contains your rumbles and then go to advanced settings -> Playback Limit. You can set the amount of simultaneous sounds that can be playing within that container. You want to set 'limit sound instnaces to: 1' and then 'when priority is equal: discard newest'. This will stop any new sounds playing if the old ones are still not finished playing.

answered Apr 28, 2017 by Tom W. (140 points)
0 votes
This sounds like a job for instance limiting.


If you limit instances of the rumble sound to one and kill the oldest instance, a new rumble sound will stop playback of the currently playing one. The truncation of the older sound should be masked by the transient of your new explosion, so you probably won't hear the sounds switching.
answered Apr 28, 2017 by Ian S. (2,060 points)