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UE4 integration as Engine Plug-in with conflicts

0 votes


Following the steps described in , 

I installed the Wwise plug-in for Unreal 4.15 as an engine plug-in and built the UE4 project.

It seemed that the Wwise plug-in has been successfully integrated as you could find it in Edit->Plugins->Audio.

However, every time I open the UE4 editor, it will pop up the warning:

The Wwise UE4 Integration plug-in is installed in both the UE4 Engine and Game "Plugins" folder. This will cause conflicts. Please ensure the Wwise plug-in is installed in only one of the two locations.


I didn't put the Wwise folder in any game project I created. 

So... I am confused. 

The warning will be popped up if and only if it meet the condition:

FPaths::DirectoryExists(FPaths::EnginePluginsDir() / "Wwise") && FPaths::DirectoryExists(FPaths::GamePluginsDir() / "Wwise")

If there is no game project folder, it will return EngineDir() when you call the GameDir() function, resulting in the condition be satisfied. 

I try to fix it by adding the condition:

FPaths::EngineDir() != FPaths::GameDir()

I don't know whether or not it will cause other problems.

Any help would be very much appreciated :)




asked May 5, 2017 in General Discussion by MR H. (270 points)

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