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For the Unity Linux integration, should I be manually deleeting the if !UNITY_LINUX exclusions in most of the engine?

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I know its a new integration - and I assume I am doing the correct thing by deleting the exclusions, but the audio isnt working. I was told to use the windows banks for now, will these be picked up by Unity, or should I add a new folder called Linux?
demandé 18-Jun-2014 dans General Discussion par Ralph C. (270 points)

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse

First, make sure you have imported the WwiseUnityIntegration_v2013.2.8_Linux.unitypackage into your project and performed the setup steps in the window that pops up after the import.

Then, make sure your soundbanks can be found in UNITY_PROJECT_ROOT/Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundbanks/Windows. This is where the Linux integration searches for soundbanks (hence, why you were told to use the Windows soundbanks)

A big change in the 2013.2.8 Unity integration is that the "examples" folder has been deprecated, and replaced with a "components" folder. If you already were using an older version of the integration, you indeed will need to remove the !UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX found in the "examples" folder.

If you still have problems with Wwise audio, note that the game's output log can contain useful information. On Linux, it can be found under ~/.config/unity3d/<YourCompany>/<YourGame>/Player.log


répondu 18-Jun-2014 par Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)
sélectionné 24-Jun-2014 par Ralph C.