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What are the content-types (aka MIME-types) for sound bank and package files?

0 votes
We're modifying our file loading system to use content-type meta-data (rather than file extension) to determine the type of data being loaded in a file (re: RFC 6838). In order to support loading of our audio assets, we need a content-type for our .bnk and .pck files.

Has AK registered any content-types for these file types, or otherwise have a recommended content-type string (eg. something like "audio/" or "application/vnd.ak.package")?

asked Jun 24, 2014 in General Discussion by Daniel U. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I propose you use "application/vnd.wwise" followed by the file extension:



answered Jun 25, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)