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I use wwise for iOS and Android for game application. I upgraded from a 2014 version of wwise SDK to the latest one (Wwise 2016.2.3.6077). After upgrading I exported all the soundbanks from the latest wwise tool. After updating the SDK it's not playing the streaming files or the music files. It's playing all of the sound effects. I can see the following error in profiler "IO settings incompatible with user requirements".

Immediately after I updated I was getting "voice starvation" errors. So I set the values to AkDeviceSettings.uGranularity to 32, AkDeviceSettings.uIOMemorySize to 254 and AkDeviceSettings.threadProperties.nPriority to AK_THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL. After these changes sound effects are playing not the background music. Is there any additional setting that I need to try or set?
in General Discussion by Edwin M. (100 points)

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