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0 votes

I've been running into an issue where my Wwise project will not load on a certain work machine in my office. Whenever I try to load this project, Wwise gets hung up on the "Loading Layouts" portion of opening the project. The program itself doesn't freeze, it is still active in the activity monitor, nor does it show up as "Not Responding" in the Force Quit window.

I am running Wwise 2016.2.0.5972 through a Wrapper in Sierra on the Mac in question. I have tested this project on multiple other machines that are running the same version of Wwise as well as the same OS and the project opens without any issues.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling a fresh copy of the same version as well as other versions and this didn't not work either.

Are there any steps that I can take to troubleshoot what could be causing this issue? Has something like this been brought up before?


in General Discussion by Andrew B. (100 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Hi Andrew,

This is a known Mac Authoring issue that will be fixed in upcoming version 2017.1.

The current workaround is:

1 - Delete all .akd files in your /Originals folder.
2 - You should then be able to open the project.
3 - Once the project is open, in the user preference (Shift-U), disable the option "background processing : Analyze wav files...".


Hope this helps !


by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
I am encountering this issue. This happens on a Mac project with no .akd files. using Wwise 2016.2.6. The same project opens fine on windows VM on the same machine using PC version 2016.2.3.
0 votes
Hey Andy,

Not sure if you got this resolved, but I just ran into this opening a project on the Mac using Wwise 2016.2.3. I followed Fabien's steps, after clearing out the .akd files out of my originals folder the project opened normally. I changed the analysis preference. Hopefully, this fix holds.

For what it's worth, this issue is not occurring at all running Wwise 2016.2.3 in a VM on the same mac.

by Jason W. (140 points)