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Error: Rescheduling music clips because a track was modified

+4 votes


I'm getting the message "Rescheduling music clips because a track was modified" in the music profiler which seems to be the error "ErrorCode_MusicClipsRescheduledAfterTrackEdit"

The problem is, I don't understand what this error really means and I can't seem to find any additional documentation or info on it anywhere online. I've been a good boy and have saved anything that can be saved and generated soundbanks in Wwise and Unity.  What does this error usually show up for?

(In general, I'd really appreciate if there was more documentation on what these different errors mean.  Perhaps they make more sense to anyone who's more familiar with programming but many of them leave me at a loss, like 'flushed segment "name of music segment") :)




asked Jun 22, 2017 in General Discussion by Blake (420 points)
Did you ever figure out what this was Blake? I'm getting this too. Wondering if it has anything to do with my music cutting out, but I am also having trouble finding documentation.

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