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Which versions of the Wwise SDK supports Visual Studio 2013?

0 votes
Hello, we are currently using Wwise 2013.2.6, which does not include libs compatible with the VC2013 compiler.  Which Wwise release will start supporting VS2013?

Additionally, when do you expect the UE4.2 and UE4.3 integrations to be available?

Thank you!
asked Jul 3, 2014 in General Discussion by Joshua S. (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The latest stable version of Wwise (2013.2.8 at the time of writing) has the libraries for Visual Studio 2013.

UE 4.2 integration should be available by July 11th 2014.
answered Jul 4, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)