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How to pause AkAmbientSound in Unreal Engine using Daydream controller home/back button without event... ?

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we are using the Wwise UE4 plugin with daydream to develop our game ( Wwise Integration 2016.2.2.6022.371 ) 

Unfortunately, Google does not allow to access events related to the home/back button to return the Daydream space.

All AmbientSound from Unreal internal audio engine pauses automatically. Unfortunately, for all Wwise ambient sound, there is currently no way to detect this event and to pause the AkAmbientSound ...

The Daydream label introduced by Google required that no sound should be play by returning to the Daydream space.

Is there any plan to pause sounds automatically for AkAmbientSOund in the same way that Unreal AmbientSound ?

Or did we miss something in the setup ?



asked Aug 13, 2017 in General Discussion by Sylvain D. (100 points)

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