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How do I set unique occlusion/obstruction parameters for multiple positions of the same source?

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Hi there,

I'm working in Unity 2017.1 and I've just figured out how to set multiple positions for an AkGameObject using an AkChannelEmitterArray, and I'm trying to set unique Occlusion or Obstruction parameters for each position.

From the documentation online, it looks like I can do this with SetMultipleObstructionAndOcclusion, but I would need to create an array of AkObstructionOcclusionValues which looks like a struct containing two floats. What I am having trouble with is creating that array and defining each value. 

Defining an array of positions for the same source seemed fairly simple: 

AkChannelEmitterArray emitterArray = new AkChannelEmitterArray(int numOfPositions);

and this is how I'm trying to define my obstruction and occlusion values:

AkObstructionOcclusionValues obsValues = new AkObstructionOcclusionValues();

but with this I can define no more than one set of values, and I can't plug in a variable for how many instances of the struct to make since the only arguments it will take are an IntPtr and a boolean which don't seem to be useful in any way I have found.  

Has anyone here successfully used the SetMultipleObstructionAndOcclusion function? If so I'd love to know how you did it. 


Thanks in advance!

asked Sep 19, 2017 in General Discussion by Blake J. (880 points)
edited Sep 20, 2017 by Blake J.

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