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Request for tutorials on UE4 <> Wwise Integration!

0 votes
Hi there!

I'm very experienced in the world of audio and music production but very new to the world of game audio implementation. I've spent the last week learning a bunch about Wwise and I love it! The only problem I'm facing now is that when trying to work on implementing audio into games for practice, I'm wanting to use the UE4, but I'm having a hard time finding any basic video tutorials showing how it's done from scratch. The documentation and some older videos online have certainly helped, but since there's a bunch of great videos on the Wwise software itself here, It'd be great with just one quick video showing how to get a single sound integrated into a UE demo project, on both W/OSX.

asked Sep 23, 2017 in General Discussion by Steve F. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
hey buddy did u get any help? im in that exact same spot as you were when u wrote that!!
answered Jun 28, 2018 by Gustav W. (140 points)