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No Perforce plug in on Mac

0 votes
Hi. I can't sync my Wwise project to Perforce since I have no option to select it when I open it in a Mac. It works on Windows, same version and project.

Wwise version 2017.1.2.6361, SDK included. My P4 is P4V/MACOSX1011X86_64/2017.2/1573260

Running on Sierra 10.12.6

Any ideas?
asked Oct 19, 2017 in General Discussion by Guido M. (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Perforce and Subversion are not supported on Mac, please see the list known issues to know more about limitations on the Mac Authoring:
answered Oct 20, 2017 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 points)
selected Oct 20, 2017 by Guido M.
Thanks Fabien. Any idea on when is it going to be available?
We don't have a definite date for this yet but we are currently working towards having a native Mac Authoring to solve those issues. In the meantime, you can always perform your source control operations within the Mac OS X environment using the Terminal or any other third-party Source Control software.