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Handling 250+ impulse responses, and the need for an auxbus for each..

0 votes
We're implementing a lot of custom impulse responses that are generated from the world geometry itself in an offline process, and currently, this means creating a unique auxbus for each one with a convolution reverb effect instance on it.. Whilst doable for small numbers, this seems a bit crazy for large numbers..

The numbers will likely grow, and I'm wondering if there's anyway we can at runtime change the impulse response that an instance of the convolution reverb is using ? It'd mean only then having to use a small pool of convolution reverbs, each on their own auxbus, that we could recycle as the reverbs change.. As it stands, I can't see anyway to achieve this at runtime through creating auxbus's and effects at runtime.. Or changing the plugin media (the impulse response) at runtime..

Is there a way to achieve this, without creating 1000's of auxbus, and the effects that go on them ? Or is there a better way for handling large numbers of reverbs this way ? Potentially this will go to 1000+ impulse responses..
asked Nov 16, 2017 in General Discussion by Andy M. (100 points)

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