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Wwise Profiler becomes unresponsive after being connected to the game.

0 votes

I have an issue where the Audio Profiler will make Wwise unresponsive after being connected to the game when there are large numbers of NPCs around.

I have tried doubling all 3 memory pools related to the Debug client. This doesn't fix anything nor do those pools show that they are full (aside from the Monitor Queue which seems to always be full with just 1 allocation).

There are no profiling numbers that point me in the right direction. None of the usual candidates are acting up. I can despawn all the NPCs and regain control of Wwise. The Profiler Capture session will catch back up and I can scroll back and look at all the CPU usage, number of voices, etc etc and nothing stands out. It does seem related to audio activity in some manner though because if I spawn a similar amount of dummy NPCs, the problem doesn't occur. Yet, I have no problems with number of voices, CPU, lower engine, etc etc. I don't know what I could be overlooking.
asked Dec 11, 2017 in General Discussion by Daniel B. (230 points)

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