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Music Track Look Ahead Time

0 votes

I'm playing around with the music track look ahead time in user settings and am wondering how this value affects in game usage (as opposed to in wwise authoring tool). It appears to me this only applies to the editor? is that right? I'm curious what, if any, look ahead time there is for non-streamed music track in a game build (unity in this case) as opposed to the editor, and also what values I can set during init to affect it. I'm trying to get the time between posting an event (which is setting a switch) and the music system responding do it to be as short as possible.

Any help appreciated!


asked Dec 21, 2017 in General Discussion by Kjolly (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, the look-ahead time in user preferences is just the default for the tool.

You can set look-ahead time in music track properties for streaming tracks. This is what gets used in game to help schedule music transitions.

Non-streamed tracks are stored in RAM and should be able to play right away.  So then it's just down to the transition properties.

Hope that helps!
answered May 24, 2018 by Monty M. (2,680 points)