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Wwise can't find events after changing scene in Unity

+2 votes
(Wwise 2017.2.1) (Unity 2017.3.0)

Ostensibly my soundbanks and respective events load and play back perfectly fine on the starting scene. When I start "Level 1" though (in a new scene), event calls are no longer recognized—as if the soundbank were never loaded. I've checked and confirmed that the WwiseGlobal object that contains the soundbank is persisting across both scenes, and I've also confirmed that there are no other WwiseGlobal objects at the same time. No clue what's going on here, any help or guidance would be appreciated.
asked Feb 13, 2018 in General Discussion by Joe M. (150 points)
Hi there,
Just to be sure, is your AKBank component's object set to DoNotDestroyOnLoad, or unload on destroy? Also, if you connect your Wwise profiler to your Unity project, do any errors or interesting messages occur?

2 Answers

0 votes

Hello, I think these two questions mention the same problem Unity - Clear Banks Request Received and Wwise Unity integration 2017.2.1.6524.980 - all SoundBanks keep are unloaded by AkSoundEngineController I hope somebody will figure it out soon, it must be a bug because it worked before.

answered Feb 15, 2018 by Radek Karnik (990 points)
0 votes
I'm having the same problem. Has anybody worked this out?
answered Feb 23, 2018 by Malte H. (140 points)