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Your soundbank generation workflow in UE4 on a larger than 1 sound designer team.

0 votes

Im just curious about how other people handle sound bank generation when there is more than one person working on the project?

Since you are required to check out/write to soundbankinfo.bnk, plugininfo.bnk and init.bnk to be able to generate any soundbank, how does larger teams handle working simultaneously with soundbank generation?

/regards, Joel.
asked Mar 22, 2018 in General Discussion by Joel R. (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
In Perforce, we mark the .bnk files as always writeable. AFAIK however, you could even have the same .bnk files checked out by multiple people. What really matters is that the last person to make changes gets latest and resolves any merge conflicts before doing the final bank build. That way everyone's prior changes are baked into the bank.


Hope this helps.
answered Mar 26, 2018 by Ian S. (2,060 points)